
Full skin check:

$176.40 (Concession Card Holders: $131.40)

Medicare rebate:


Out of pocket:

 $135 (Concession Card Holders: $90.00)

*Following payment of a full skin check, any further reviews or spot checks required in the following 12 months will be bulk billed, with no out of pocket expense to you.

Surgical procedures: fees for procedures can vary and will be discussed when required, but often the Medicare rebate will cover more than half the cost of the procedure.  Patients experiencing financial hardship are encouraged to discuss their situation with our practice manager.

Medicare Claims

To assist patients with claiming from Medicare we have a Commbank Smart Health terminal. This allows patients to be reimbursed with their Medicare rebate at the completion of their consultation. The patient is required to pay the consultation fee in full by way of Visa, Mastercard or EFT. With the presentation of a bank card attached to a savings or cheque account we can then have the Medicare rebate transferred directly into the patient’s bank account.

If a patient does not have a bank card attached to a savings or cheque account, but they have previously registered their BSB and account number with Medicare, we can send the claim electronically to Medicare. The rebate will then be transferred into the registered bank account overnight. The patient will have their rebate from Medicare the following morning.


We value your time and understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, requiring you to reschedule or cancel your appointment. We kindly request that you provide us with at least 24 hours’ notice if you need to cancel or change your appointment, otherwise a $75 late cancellation fee may be charged. This allows us to offer the appointment slot to another patient in need of care. 


Missed appointments not only inconvenience our practice but also deprive other patients of timely care. In the event of non-attendance without prior notice, a non-refundable fee of $75 may be applicable. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us maintain efficient scheduling and quality care for all our patients. 

Still Have A Question?

At SkinSafe we are here to help! Simply reach out and we will answer any questions or concerns you may have.